Helpful Resources for your Business

There are TONS of resources out there to help you run a business, whether you're online or in-person. 

It would be an impossible feat to list everything that's available, so if you have a favourite resource that isn't on the list below, send it along! I'll do my best to periodically update this post. 

Items in bold are ones I've used or currently use and found beneficial. Items marked with an * indicate that I receive a benefit for your use, registration, sign-up or purchase.

Unless otherwise indicated, I am not affiliated with these services and don't hold any responsibility or liability for your use of them. 


Online Selling Resources: 

erank  (SEO; blog for selling tips)

marmalead   (SEO; blog & podcast for selling & marketing tips)

Etsy Seller Handbook  (the place to start for info on selling on Etsy)

*Square Up: Website hosting, inventory management, invoicing, selling, etc. (Affiliate code if you sign-up - we both receive fee processing credit)

*Shopify Online shop host - what I use now (affiliate code - we both receive credit if you sign up using this link) - erank/Etsy tips



In-Person Selling

*Square Card Reader: (affiliate code - you and I will receive up to $1000 free processing fees)


Other Resources

Vistaprint (tags, business cards, stickers, etc)

 Passion Planner (for organization, goal tracking, etc. Referral code for $15 off, I receive $15 too): 

Munbyn Thermal Printer: print shipping labels, stickers and more without ink! Get $25 off your order of $150


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